What Dance Means to Me

“Satyam Shivam Sundaram” Truth is sublime and reveals the divine within. This belief is woven into the very fabric of an Indian existence. There are many paths to attain this absolute state, or “sat-chit-ananda”, where you are completely aware of this sublimity and nothing else. Dance is one path you can travel on to come closer to achieving that state. To me, dance is a prayer, nourishment, the very breath. To create beauty that embraces the moment and conceives the notion of sublime bliss is the ultimate goal of this absolution, my total immersion in art, my siren’s call.


A skilled artist pours his soul into the art. This self-effulgent soul pours forth as delight that the audience, the “sahrdaya” see and enjoy. This is perhaps the most profound experience, both for the artist and the audience. That experience, that “rasanubhava”, is a path of introspection. A way for each of us to go into ourselves and discover that kernel of absolute contentment. The Yoga Darshana Upanishad says that this introspection is the highest form of “tirtha”, pilgrimage. And as it is with pilgrimages, the result is disquieting contentment that leaves you thirsting for more. Whether I am watching a skilled performer or a novice, this inward journey is what my experience is seeking. If you can show me the peaks and valleys, I’ll happily follow you on your journey. Making your path a part of my journey. Your reflections meld into mine and your experiences merge with mine. The flavors of our pilgrimage fuse and the space between us dissolves. When the performer opens himself up to experience this intense journey, he can create reverberating currents that wash over others and absorb them into this singular experience. This is why we get teary when we see Sita suffering in the Ashoka gardens, or are disgusted by Duryodhana’s illtreatment of Draupadi., or can laugh at the malapropisms of Launcelot Gobbo.


So why should I not strive to be a performer who can immerse myself in this experience and then, perhaps take you along for the magical journey?  What is your siren’s call?