
Ayurveda is the oldest healing science. The Sanskrit word literally means “Life science” and this Vedic wisdom goes back 5,000 years. This practice believes that all maladies can be prevented if we are able to maintain a perfect balance in our bodies and minds. It gives us guidelines to do so, using dōśa or constitution. Ayurveda suggests that right thinking, right action and right knowing, or clear seeing is the cornerstone of a healthy being.

Yoga is disciple that enables you to control your body through āsana, your breath through prāṇāyāma, and your conscious mind through meditation. It is a technique, when employed sincerely, leads to a higher awareness and fulfillment. Both Yoga and Ayurveda stress the importance of keeping the mind and body healthy in order achieve this state of awareness. Ayuryoga is a lifestyle choice where you use Ayurvedic diet and bodywork and your yoga practice to achieve optimal health. These complimentary practices are essential in creating the right foundations upon which you can build a lifestyle by:
  • Balancing the three principal energies of the body; vāta, pitta, kapha
  • Following aṣṭāṃga philosophy; yama, nīyama, āsana, prāṇāyāma, pratyāhāra, dhāraṇa, dhyāna, and samādhi.
Learn more about Ayurveda here. Learn more about Yoga here. Learn more about Ashtanga Philosophy here.
We consult with clients who wish to understand the Ayurvedic lifestyle and incorporate that in their health goals. Request an appointment or get in touch for more information.
We sell Ayurvedic skin care and spice blends. Contact us with your requirements.